Wednesday 21 March 2018
"With a cup of tea in your hand, anything is possible"

You have taught about the typical British traditions. 
You have explained the cultural meaning of having and sharing a cup of tea with your friends and families. 
You have gone through all the different phases of tea making as to recreate the perfect British Cream tea experience. 
Your students have listened, written and learnt about all of it. But something is missing. 
So.... why not recreate the perfect British cream tea experience in the classroom? 
We tried and we did it!

Hai insegnato ai tuoi alunni le tipiche tradizioni Britanniche. Hai spiegato il significato culturale di condividere una tazza di tè con i tuoi amici e con la tua famiglia. Hai raccontato in inglese  tutte le diverse fasi di preparazione del tè in modo tale da ricreare l'esperienza del tipico Cream Tea britannico. 
I tuoi studenti hanno ascoltato, scritto sul quaderno e hanno imparato tutto. 
Ma manca qualcosa. 
E allora... perchè non ricreare l'esperienza del Cream tea britannico in classe?
Abbiamo provato... e ci siamo riusciti!

This was my teacher's desk.  You can see all the things I brought from home and all the cards with the names on it. The students made those and prepared the table!

We had different types of tea. This one was from Whittard in London! Soooo good!

I cooked the SCONES! You cannot have the British cream tea without scones!

And of course... what do you put on scones? Strawberries Jam and  cream! We also had some British butter biscuits! 

Different types of tea

This turned out to be a cultural and real life experience. These students are now attending their second year at the secondary school and they still remember this. Some of them had the chance to go on a study holiday to Canterbury this past August. They were walking down a street and they saw a pastry shop with a sign outside that said: " Special Cream tea every afternoon at five". I had to make a booking as they absolutely wanted to try it! They loved it and..... wait... that' s another story for another post!

Thank you, 
Miss Alex

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