NIAGARA FALLS state park LIVE.... in my CLASS!

Wednesday 23 May 2018
You can't travel the world with your students.... 
but you can take virtual trips with them!
Well... this morning we had an appointment, a very important (virtual) meeting which had been set up months ago. 
At 12.30 our time we had a Skype conference call with Mr. Jim Hill, senior manager of heritage operations at the Niagara Park in Ontario. 

Jim works here! Now isn't this amazing!
Well... he was so nice to go to work a bit earlier this morning and at 6.30 am (his time) he called us, as agreed! My students were so excited... and so was I! I mean.. who wouldn't be?
Jim introduced himself and then he took the camera and walked around! This is what we were seeing

My students were really interested and asked a lot of questions! They were able to understand and communicate in English and this experience was really motivating for them and for me!

I highly recommend using Skype in the classroom through Microsoft education. 
Can't wait to experience more of this next year!
Thank you, 
Miss Alex

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