Monday 10 September 2018
What happens when Australia meets California.... 
in Italy?
Well, we know what happens, it's MAGIC!
School main hall ready to welcome our 2018 AIESEC volunteers
For the 2017-2018 AIESEC educhange project we were assigned two female volunteers coming from Australia and from California: Amra Polutak and Tatiana Oropel.

The two girls had a hard time at the beginning getting adjusted to the Italian cold weather ( it was January when they arrived) and we could not blame them because they both came from hot countries. We do have to say that in spite of this difficulties the girls showed a very high level of spirit of adaptation. They were ready and enthusiastic about this project from day one and the project could not have started any better. 
All classes were involved, from the first year of primary school to the last year of secondary school and Tatiana and Amra were very flexible and easily adapted to the different ages. 
The first two weeks were dedicated to getting to know the volunteers and their country of origin.  
These are works done by the 4th and 5th year primary school

These are works done by the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year primary school
After these first two weeks the project focused on the chosen theme: CHILDREN'S RIGHTS.
Each class worked on specific rights:
- the 1st  and 2nd year PRIMARY SCHOOL worked on the right to have a NAME, an IDENTITY.
- the 3rd year primary school worked on the right to have a HOME, a  FAMILY and to receive LOVE AND CARE
- the 4th year primary school worked on the right to have WATER
-the 5th year primary school worked on the right to have FOOD and a HEALTHY LIFE
-the 1st year secondary school worked on the right not to be discriminated by a DISABILITY
- the 2nd year secondary school worked on the right of FREE EXPRESSION
-the 3rd year secondary school worked on the right to EDUCATION, on the right not to be EXPLOITED FOR WORK or FOR WAR
Teachers, volunteers, students, families and other school operators ( our headmaster, the president of our school, the administration office) worked together throughout this project and contributed to its success. 
On the final day, the primary school had the chance to know information about the other rights children have, whereas the secondary school worked on a booklet that put together information, worksheets and activities about all rights.
The project ended with two final very special moments: a farewell party in the morning with the students and a meeting with the families in the evening so that all parents had the chance to see and understand what had been done during the previous six weeks. 

Thank you to the people that made this possible, for the second year!
Thank you, 
Miss Alex

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