Thursday 15 November 2018
Remember, remember.....the 5th of November?

Well.... if you are British you should remember the 5th of November

Remember, remember 
what happens in November....

It's going to be THANKSGIVING soon!
It's time to look around us and really be thankful. 
We should be thankful as teachers because we are doing a job that we LOVE and we should realize how lucky we are to have the chance to spend so much time ( hours, days, months, years) with those tiny human beings and see them grow and change. We witness their growth and we play our part in the process. 
We should be thankful for what we HAVE: a family, a house, friends. Sometimes we take those things for granted but let's take the chance to stop, look around and say THANK YOU. 
We teach our children through our words but we mostly teach them by giving them the example, by really living and experiencing the things we would like them to learn and live. 
So... before teaching our children about the History of Thanksgiving with the Mayflower and the Pilgrims, let's really try to understand the deep meaning of this celebration. 

Thank you, 
Miss Alex

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